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We as the UCDP Women’s League are saddened by the continuous plight that befalls our elderly women.

Really moral decay is prevalent in this Province; we urge the Justice system once more to be harsh on perpetrators. Isn’t time that the death penalty should be reviewed and reinstated?

Last week it was a 10 month baby’s rape, this week rape and murder of an elderly woman? How long shall we suffer like this? Is the Justice system to lenient on perpetrators or are there a loop holes in the system itself?

Our homes have been turned into morgues. We live in fear, we are terrorised, emotionally abused by our own grandsons, sons and our partners. We try to seek safety behind high security walls, electric fences and alarm systems, but all these are not sufficient. How long will we live like prisoners in our own homes, streets and communities, whereas criminals roam free in the streets waiting to pick their next targets?

The perpetrators in prisons are being categorised and fancy category tittles for their deeds all in the name of rehabilitation. I will mention a few and the sentences they got, remember all these are convicted rapists.

1. Anger relation rapist: apparently he was wrongfully accused of rape, and then he vented out his anger and really raped a woman. The Judge said he was a first time offender, he should be sent for counselling.

2. Drug user: the guy was high on drugs. The Judge sent him for rehab and a suspended sentence.

3. Cure for Aids: the norm that virgins can cure Aids; it was blamed on illiteracy and lack of knowledge, was ask to do community service.

This is the true reflection of what happens in our Courts, and all the expenses will be paid for by us taxpayers.

We must break this cycle, if the Government and the Justice system fail us, we must not give in, we have to stand up and rise from being victims to victors. Let us join hands as communities and look after one another. Lets us ensure that these perpetrators are apprehended and oppose their bail. They should rot in jail. They must know that a vengeance of a woman is like a burning fire it destroys anything in its path. We will live free, enough is enough. 1 rape is 1 too many, a murder of a defenceless elderly woman is unbearable and intolerable.

Lets us stand up, speak out and let Mahikeng be a safe haven for its residents like it used to.

Statement by I C Ditshetelo, UCDP W/L President.

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