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There are times when people go about saying they are invincible but when the time comes to prove their mettle they run this or that way. The ANC fits into this category of self praise.

The time has come for the ANC to stand up and prove their worth and invincibility by allowing the motion of no confidence tabled by the opposition.

Special caucus meetings like the one convened on Wednesday are proof that they are running scared. No amount of time will deter the opposition from pursuing their determination to present their discontent about the ineptitude shown by the leadership in the ANC. It does not matter how many press and media statements the ANC releases, all that has to be shown is compliance with democratic principles of putting the matter to the test so that the will of the people may be tested.

Now is the time that the ANC should show that they treat democracy with respect. Now is the time that they should show that the president is squeaky clean in his administration. Now is the time that they should not be dismissive of all that those on the opposite side say without proving their worth.

It is an open secret that most people in the ruling party are suffocating and given a chance they would rid themselves of the current leader of their organisation.

Now is the time for the leader of the ANC not to foist himself onto people most of whom have had enough of him. The current dissent among members of the ANC is unprecedented and in the interest of the country primarily and that of his organisation the president should do the only honourable thing and stand down.

Despite the statement by the Chief Whip of the ANC and some of their cohorts that the combined opposition is frivolous in presenting the motion of no confidence in the president for debate, they have to understand that the decision was not arrived at with ease. We opined and debated and found that we have an outlet in the Constitution of the country contrary to what the Chief Whip says.

All we need is an opportunity to prove that section 102(2) of the Constitution of the Republic is relevant to the course we are pursuing.

Now is the time for the ANC to walk the talk and allow parliament, a place of exchanging and sharing ideas, to take centre stage.

This gives the ruling party sufficient chance to prove to all and sundry that they do not stifle debate, they are champions of democracy and that they live with clear consciences in so far as how the country is being run.

Sent by: Sipho Mfundisi MP

President: UCDP

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